Gonstead Technique

The Gonstead technique is considered one of the safest techniques a Chiropractor will use. Pregnant women, children and the elderly can be adjusted using the Gonstead technique. Dr Taylor will analyze your entire spine when checking for vertebral subluxations (cause of nerve interference / irritation) which may be the cause of pain or discomfort.

Gonstead Analysis

Dr Taylor starts by conducting a complete analysis of your spine to determine the locations of your vertebral sublaxations. There are a few different ways to locate your sublaxations.
Static palpation is the process of palpating (feeling) your spine while you are in a static (stationary) position. Dr Taylor is looking for swelling (edema), tenderness and any other abnormal textures or tightness in your muscles and ligaments in your back.
Motion palpation involves feeling the spine at different angles while moving and bending the spine. Dr Taylor will be able to determine the level of difficulty different areas of your spine experience while moving in multiple directions.
Visualization is used to cross reference all the other findings. Dr Taylor will look for slight changes in your posture and movement. These slight changes can be an indicator of spinal problems.
X-Ray analysis allows Dr Taylor to get a more in-depth view of the entire spinal structure. X-Ray Analysis is useful in determining the presence of disease, fracture, posture abnormalities, joint and disc integrity as well as misalignment of the vertebral.

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Gonstead Adjustment

After Dr Taylor has complete his analysis, he will formulate a plan to address any areas of concern. Using the Gonstead adjustment, Dr Taylor can be specific, precise and accurate while addressing only the areas of concern (areas with subluxation). A mechanically correct position and precise thrust help enable a more accurate and as painless adjustable as possible. The goal of Dr Taylor is to restore and maintain your ideal health by eliminating interference to your nervous system that are caused by vertebral subluxation.

South Town Chiropractic looks forward to helping our clients from the Fort Myers area. We also have many clients from Estero and Bonita Springs. Call today to schedule an appointment.

What Our Patients Are Saying…

I definitely recommend South Town Chiropractic to everyone. I saw Dr. Taylor for my back pain, neck pain and headaches. Since my first visit I have felt so much better! Dr. Taylor has worked with me on fixing my problem areas and has showed me how I can prevent my pain from coming back.

Rachel M.

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South Town Chiropractic is a very professional office. Dr. Taylor has fixed my back problems within 24 hours of the service. I just gave him a call, and they were able to see me as soon as possible. The staff is very nice, and really cares about your well being. I definitely recommend to everyone!

Lily B.

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I would highly recommend Dr.Taylor and his staff to anyone! Very responsive and was able to get in right away. I was having lower back pain and due to Dr.Taylor’s skills and expertise, was able to feel relief almost instantly!

Chad S.

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Providing Care For Patients In


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